Monday, June 19, 2017

Optimization with GMDH

Polynomial Neural Networks are one of the most sought after techniques for development of numerical,non-linear and cognative models. Group Method of Data Handling or GMDH is an example algorithm which follows the architecture.

In the basic architecture followed in neural networks the output is estimated by the weighted sum of the inputs where transformation from input to output function is conducted by some linear functions. "The processing function of the neurons is quite simple; it is the configuration of the network itself that requires much work to design and adjust to the training data."(Link to the full story)

Frank Rosenblatt was responsible for identification of the key weakness of "neuro-computing as the lack of means for effectively selecting structure and weights of the hidden layer(s) of the perceptron". In 1968,after seven years from the time Rosenblatt's weakness identification, when back-propagation technique was not known yet, a method "called Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH) was developed by an Ukranian scientist Aleksey Ivakhnenko who was working at that time on a better prediction of fish population in rivers."

He made the neuron "a more complex unit featuring a polynomial transfer function" but the interconnections between layers of neurons were simplified, and an self adaptive selection algorithm for structure design and weight adjustment was developed.(Link to the full story)

There are many papers which highlights the application of GMDH in optimization but still their is much scope for applying GMDH for optimization.

Find some new papers of 'application of GMDH in optimization' in UO.
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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Invitation to act as Co-editor

An edited monograph is planned for publication in last week of January 2017. The main topic of the book is decided to be on the recent trends in 'application of nature based optimization algorithm on maximization of conversion efficiency,resource utilization and minimization of uncertainty in water based renewable energy resources'. The proposal will be submitted to Springer Publisher Singapore for possible publication.

The book will be in the topic of 'innovative application of nature based optimization algorithms like Artificial Neural Networks,Particle Swarm Optimization,Ant Colony etc. meta-heuristics and other decision making or novel algorithms to optimize the utilization,accessibility and conversion of water based renewable energy potential.

The monograph will allow to publish only the original research works and reviews in related topics after going through a strict peer review process.

In this aspect, active involvement from experienced researchers/scientist/professors working in related field of research are cordially invited.

If interested please reply to this post or email me at or use this link :

Call for Paper

An edited monograph entitled "Application of Nature-Based Optimization Techniques in Optimizing Water-Based Renewable Energy Resources" is planned for publication in January 2017. The book will try to publish original research works or short communications or review papers about the recent trends in the application of nature-based optimization algorithms for maximization of conversion efficiency and minimization of uncertainty in water-based renewable energy potentials. About 15-20 articles will be published after peer review.

The final proposal will be submitted to Springer Publishers, Singapore.

The theme topic of the book is :

1.Hydro power
2.Wave/ocean energy
3.Tidal power
4.Optimal utilization of resource potential
5.Optimal allocation of resource potential
6.Application of Artificial Neural Network
7.Application of Particle Swarm Optimization, Ant Colony, Bee Hive etc,nature-based algorithms

The maximum limit of pages or words of the submitted article is 10 or 5000 respectively (whichever is higher). The Springer Formatting Rule has to be followed while formatting the manuscript.

Types of an article accepted

Regular articles: These should describe new and carefully confirmed findings, and experimental procedures should be given in sufficient detail for others to verify the work. The length of a full paper should be the minimum required to describe and interpret the work clearly(Preferably within 5000 words or 10 pages whichever is higher)

Short Communications: A Short Communication is suitable for recording the results of complete small investigations or giving details of new models or hypotheses, innovative methods, techniques or apparatus. The style of the main sections need not conform to that of full-length papers. Short communications are 2 to 4 printed pages (about 6 to 12 manuscript pages) in length.

Reviews: Submissions of reviews and perspectives covering topics of current interest are welcome and encouraged. Reviews should be concise and no longer than 4-6 printed pages (about 12 to 18 manuscript pages). Reviews manuscripts are also peer-reviewed.
The manuscripts can be submitted as a reply to this post or by sending an email to or using the link : Submit your Manuscript.